Japan Heritage「The island of Kuniumi, Awaji」
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Eshima Island

Eshima Island
Eshima Island breaks the surface of the water on the northern tip of Awaji Island and is one of the Onokorojima Island legendary places that appear in the Kuniumi Story .
The natural beauty of the shapes carved into the island over the ages by wind and waves is thought to have been likened to Onokorojima Island, and in the background lies the Akashi Strait, where the Ama flourished. The island has been renowned as a scenic spot since antiquity, and it appears in many waka (classical Japanese poems.)
Small torii gate atop Eshima Island
Monument with a waka by Saigyou Hoshi about Eshima Island
Intriguing rock surfaces beautifully shaped by waves over the ages
Intriguing rock surfaces beautifully shaped by waves over the ages
Designation Municipal Place of Scenic Beauty
Address 884-4 Iwaya, Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture 656-2401
Phone +81-799-64-2520
Inquiries Social Education Division, Awaji Municipal Board of Education